A • Mountain Construction is preforming utility and roadway improvements under the Calle Del Picacho Reconstruction Project contract.

PARKING: During construction, we are asking for residents to park vehicles on their property. This will help expedite the completion of the project as well as protect your vehicle from accidental damage.
ACCESS: When construction is directly in front of your home, vehicular access to your property may be temporarily limited. A Mountain Construction will coordinate with you prior to blocking your driveway. Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times. To ensure your safety and the safety of the construction workers, please follow all traffic control signs, this will also help avoid any unnecessary damage to the street and your vehicle property.
DATE and TIME: There will be a WATER OUTAGE ON Tuesday Evening February 25. 2025 on Calle De Picacho and Calle Del Norte which will be the connection of the new waterlines. The estimated work timeframe is One day between the hours of 9PM and 4:00AM. However, a time extension may be required due to unforeseen circumstances.
Once the water is reconnected and flowing if the water in your home is brown, please allow lines in your house to flush out by leaving the water running until it runs clear.
CONTACT: If you have any questions, or would like additional information, please contact:
Town of Mesilla: Lorenzo-(575)-993-2322
Town of Mesilla: On Call -(575) -650-8830
A Mountain Professional Construction: (575) 525-1405
Thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation as we make improvements to your neighborhood.